November 6, 2010

Ridin' Retro

I was reminded of this transfer paper that I've had for years after seeing all the Silhouette giveaways lately......(I've been trying so desperately to win). I didn't know what I wanted to do with the transfer paper until it hit me......

Covers for my throw pillows...which I call....Ridin' Retro.

Let me just show you what I was workin' with before I covered the pillows.



You get it....they're hideous! I wasn't about to buy new ones so I just upgraded them.

I sketched all of the designs by hand, scanned them into my computer, and printed them on Iron On Transfer Sheets. 

I'm obsessed with anything retro!!

I used this old fabric that my Granny gave me. I cut out the pieces I needed for the case itself then ironed on my awesome design.
Then I sewed away, inserted the pillows into the case, and this is what I got...

These three are my favorites...

Seriously....who else do you know that has a Gremlin Car print for decoration??



Patty said...

Those are seriously fantastic!

Birgit Kerr said...

Those are just great! Love them!!

Unknown said...

These are amazing! I am so impressed with the sketches. They are so quirky and fun. Great job!

Cassie Bustamante said...

those pillows are awesome! i really love the bicylce!

Tiffini said...

VERY cute!! I like the title you gave them:)

Unknown said...

You have amazing sketching talent! These are great. What an upgrade.

Shelby said...

These are really impressive! I love the idea, thanks for sharing!


Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

Ok. Wow. You sketched those??? You could sell those on Etsy! I love them!!!

the cape on the corner said...

yikes! those befores, lol! such cute afters!

Peggy said...

Those are great especially the Gremlin! We owned one until 5 years ago when we moved to Alaska (too many cars to transport via the military...) My hubby would love it!! You really could sell them with the craze for all things retro and handcrafted!!

Sarah @ Sugar Bananas said...

Did I read that correctly? Sketched them yourself? So talented!

btw, I used to have a sofa that matched the plaid pillows back in college. You're giving me flashbacks hehehe.

Have a great Sunday!


cleverlyinspired said...

LOVE these!

DHS said...

Saw your link up on "Just Something I Whipped Up!" I'm going to be working on a boy nursery in the spring (he's due in 3 weeks, but not getting a room until we move!) and I love these. We're doing vintage/retro cars b/c he's being named after his great-great grandfather who was obsessed with cars. These have got me thinking!

Kat said...

That is so unique! I love your originality, and am your newest follower!
Come check out my giveaway if you like!


texttussi said...

They are fantastic. I think you should take part in pillow challenge week at Have you seen it yet?

Anonymous said...

turned out really adorable! even you sweet pup thinks so too. thanks for sharing :)

Unknown said...

Flippen darling, love them LOVE!!!

DIYbyDesign said...

Saw you on "Just something I whipped up". Love these pillows and love the concept.

jbr said...

Great idea. It made a huge difference.

Denise said...

I love these pillows!!!!!! My daughter is redoing a room and loves vintage looking things and she is going to do this. Thank you for following my lil blog!!
Following you now and love your site.

Karie said...

Love the pillows. Great idea. Thanks for sharing.

Jessa said...

Seriously amazing! Love that you sketched them, love that they are so unusual!

Laurie at Turner Farm said...

So cute! Laughed when I saw the Gremlin!

brandy-son Zen master flash said...

Daaang! These are totally rad! What a great idea. I love those sketches, you're such a good artist. I need to redo my pillows on my couch too.

Life in Rehab said...

I LOVE this!!! And your sketches are fabulous! Vixen obviously approves.

Jami said...

The pillows are great, but that dog! OMG! I love your dog!

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said...

Your drawings are seriously amazing! I LOVE these pillows... fantastic! Oh, and the colors your used for the drawings are fabulous:)

Lori P said...

Absolutely adorable! I've been wanting to do something with iron-on paper as well. LOVE this idea.

Jenny Hall / Seamingly Smitten said...

That's fantastic!! I can't believe you free-handed that! That is TALENT!! Please add this to my linky party! This is definitely something to show off! :)

Lisa said...

Awesome! Hmmm. I think my sectional is made out of the same fabric as your couch! :)

Anonymous said...

So cute! One million times better than the originals, too!

Anonymous said...

So cute! One million times better than the originals, too!

Jenni said...

I love these. And I love that you drew them yourself. They turned out really cute!

House of White

René said...

Love those! And the model is adorable.


Candice said...

Those pillows are amazing. I really need to do that for my couch too, but can't see to find the time. You have inspired me to add it to my list of things to do. The list is getting too long. I love the retro feel to it as well, it is adorable.

Maggie said...

Love these. You are wonderfully talented :)

p.s. i positively love your dog :) precious!

Maggie Lamarre said...

omg I luv luv this what type of iron on transfer do you use?

Jennifer Leigh said...


I used HP printable iron on transfer sheets. They exceeded my expectations!

AllieMakes! said...

Those are super fabulous! Love the retro-vibe!!
You should come link this up to my Making It With Allie Link Party! I think it would make a Fabulous addition!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Jennifer - These are awesome! Fantastic art work - Super cool. I featured this on the Sunday Showcase Round Up. Thanks so much for joining in the fun! Hope you are enjoying your week ~ Stephanie Lynn

KimMalk said...

Those are beyond darling. You did a fantastic job on the sketches, it truly transformed your sofa.

Anonymous said...

LOVE these! I am featuring them @ Ladybug Blessings. Thanks for linking up to Handmade Tuesdays!!

Anonymous said...

Oh How Beautiful..I love them all,
Your doggie is sooo cute:)
Thankyou for sharing at the PA Blog

Jen @ EmbellishingLifeEveryday said...

Great job on those! Thanks for linking them up at the Catwalk :)

Mandy England said...

These pillows are UH-Mazing!!! I just saw this on CSI challenge, and I TOTALLY thing that they should have won! And I'm super impressed that you drew the sketches by hand... you're amazing!

Mandy England said...

*think, not thing ;]

Anita @ GoingALittleCoastal said...

Those are the cutest pillows! You did a great job drawing those out. Such fun and must make you smile every time you see them.

Tiffany said...

Those are amazing. I wish I could draw like that! Wow. I am so impressed. What a fantastic idea! Love them!

Jessica said...

These are just what I need for my bedroom. Thanks for sharing.

Elizabeth said...

What a difference! The pillows look great! Would love for you to come link up at Made with Love Monday at Sew Chatty!

Allison @ House of Hepworths said...

Any chance you'll share full resolution PDF versions of each image so we can make some ourselves?

Love them!

~Allison @ House of Hepworths

Michelle L. said...

All six of them are my favorite! (I count vixen as a cushion, of course.) Fantastic project.

Taylor-Ann said...

Awe...I can't believe I'm so late on seeing these amazing pillows. But better late then never. I love them. What a talented artist you are. Christmas is coming up I have a Shiloutte on my wish it on yours?


Lauren @ 31diy said...

So wonderful and amazing!! I wish I could somehow have those pillows on my couch right now. Your dog looks super adorable too. :)

Anonymous said...

These are super cute! Especially loving the pink vespa.

Sonia Otero said...

Preciosos diseños!!!

Elizabeth said...

I chose your pillows as one of my faves from last weeks party and will be featuring them this Monday! Feel free to grab the "Featured" button from my sidebar!

Mandi @ Vintage Revivals said...

LOVE THEM! And I love the title to the link, I started laughing out loud. And you know I love your bulldog, mine is drooling on my foot right now.

love your guts

jandjhome said...

I just love these. How original and the!

Denise said...

OMG...I LOVE THE DOG ON THE COUCH!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE HIM! The pillows are so cute...especially the little camper one....

Denise said...

I just saw's a girl! LOVE HER TO DEATH!!!! What a beauty she is!